WBHO/Alcoa – Pinjarra and Wagerup Refinery 2018

NRW Civil and Mining

Kwikcut was engaged by WBHO, to remove existing drains in Building 35 at the Pinjarra Refinery and in Building 30 at the Wagerup Refinery.


● Cutting and rock breaking around the drains, excavation down to the required level and pouring of a blinding slab for the drain installation.
● Drilling and installation of new starter bars using Hilti RE500, installation of a water stop with associated polyurethane sealants by Parchem and pouring of new concrete to the surroundings.
● There has also been a requirement to patch some of the existing concrete surfaces around the building using the BASF product; Masterflow 648.
● The remediation works to these drains and the surrounds is to rectify previous overflow issues in the respective buildings, prolong the life of the surrounding assets, and stop further corrosion issues associated with the drains.


● Completion of demolition, replacement and remediation of drains and surrounding assets.
● Continued work on site with remediation of concrete surfaces.